A lockfile is stuck; please send me e-mail to let me know.

Mac User (Monday, May 24th, 1999)

You might be a Mac user if:

  • You clean up your desk and find one or more half-unbent paper clips

  • You sometimes forget that Motorola also makes pagers and cellular phones

  • You're using your friend's Windows PC, and he looks over your shoulder and sees the crowded taskbar at the edge of the screen and says "Gees, how many apps are you running?!?"

  • You have to laugh whenever a friend tells you their system crashed and they had to reformat their hard drive

  • Every time you watch a movie like “Jurassic Park”, “Independence Day” or “Batman and Robin”, you whisper to your neighbor “That's a Mac!”

  • You write Web pages in something better than Notepad, Frontpage or Word

  • You don't have any 1.44MB boot disks

  • You watch TV shows just because you read on the Web that they're going to run an Apple commercial during the show

  • You nod approvingly whenever you see an advertisement that uses the Chicago font, and consider buying the product or using the service for that reason alone

  • Something around you is decorated with an Apple logo, a square blue face or six special rainbow stripes

  • You laugh at people who worry about the Year 2000

  • You've upgraded to a new version of your operating system more than twice since purchasing your computer, and you didn't feel obligated to back up any of your files first (although you knew you really should have)