I've recently discovered MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann. It's left-wing biased political punditry that runs opposite Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. I watch it, because in the middle of all the Republican-bashing, Olbermann occasionally says something that echoes my own thoughts perfectly, but better stated and with more facts to back him up. His “special comment” Monday night was the perfect example of what I mean.
Last week a McCain supporter claimed she was robbed and beaten by a large black man, who gave her a black eye and carved the letter “B” (for “Barack”) into her face with a knife after noticing her McCain bumper sticker. It was soon revealed that the alleged attack was a hoax; the woman carved the letter “B” into her own face in a mirror (which explains why the letter is backwards and doesn't look like it was done with a knife). The woman was trying to incite racial fear and hatred in hopes of tipping the election in McCain's favor. Of course this is disgusting by itself, but watch what Keith Olbermann had to say. Seriously. Watch it. He's right. Here's a transcript if you can't watch the video.